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Reporting a Copyright Infringement or Responding to a Copyright Notice

Who owns the copyright?

Contact information

A copy of this notice, including any contact information, may be provided to the person who posted the content being reported.

Identify your work

Describe your original work and provide direct links, if available. This can be a representative list. Please include copyright registration numbers and country of registration, if available.

e.g. My photography

e.g. https://example.com/page

Separate multiple links by adding one per line.

Content you want to report

Provide direct link(s) to specific content on Dimora that you believe infringes your copyright. A list of each individual page containing content is required.

e.g. My photography

e.g. https://example.com/page

Separate multiple links by adding one per line.

Declarations & Eletronic signature

Typing your name in the box below will act as your eletronic signature

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